Friday, 27 May 2011

Week 4 Reflection

What: This week we played one bounce I have played it all week. It's the best game in the school.  I used to love soccer, but it's wet now so I play one bounce , we did heaps of learning like plurals and handwriting and all sorts of fun things.  
So what: I learnt this week that there is more then 5 ways to play one bounce because the older kids play the game  different ways. They keep changing the rules, it's confusing. Every 1 or so minutes I'm out.  Mrs Larsen has a new linking programme for handwriting and we have been learning that.
Now what: I want to achieve more on my home work and of course more fun time.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Week 3 Reflection

What This week our class did the same BP Technology Challenge as we last week making a castle. Our team was a disaster. Our castle at the start was pretty amazing. Then it got torn apart by someone but any way ours was a disaster.We all were having fun when we did PE as always. We did kapa haka, thats always exciting.  
So what I learnt this week how many cars go past our school in 10 minutes. We did it for our maths.
Now what Every week I want to do more multi sports.

Monday, 16 May 2011

week 2 reflection

WHAT: This week our class did heaps of sports. We did sports all week. I did heaps of my book cover. We’ve been learning about book covers they are cool as. This week our class had a BP technology challenge. We made castles it was a disaster.
SO WHAT: This week we have learnt how to blend into a shape. First you need to get a shape example circle you have to draw a quarter of a moon but do it twice and then just blend in the lines.
NOW WHAT: lots more book cover work